What is QQI?
QQI stands for Quality and Qualifications Ireland. It is the national agency in Ireland responsible for:
- Quality assurance of further and higher education and training
- Maintenance of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
- Validation of education and training programs
- Setting standards for awards made in the NFQ
Some key functions and responsibilities of QQI include:
- Establishing standards for education and training awards in Ireland
- Validating courses and programs for providers such as universities, colleges, and education/training centers
- Monitoring quality assurance procedures in education providers
- Authorizing the use of international education marks and awards
- Maintaining the 10-level NFQ used to classify qualifications in Ireland
- Promoting access, transfer and progression across education and training sectors
- Advising the government on national policy relating to quality assurance and qualifications
QQI was established in 2012 under the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act. It brought together the functions of four predecessor organizations – FETAC, HETAC, NQAI and IUQB.
Visit https://www.qqi.ie/