Fueling Performance: The Role of Nutrition in Sport Science

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Proper nutrition is a vital part of athletic performance and sports science. The food athletes eat can make the difference between winning and losing. For both professional competitors and regular exercisers, understanding the science behind nutrition allows you to maximize your workouts and results.

Key Nutrients

Carbohydrates provide the main fuel source for activity, giving muscles the energy to contract. Adequate carb intake before and during exercise is crucial. Protein builds and repairs muscle, making it critical for building strength and recovery after a workout. Sports nutrition products offer concentrated sources of carbs and proteins.


Maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance is essential for endurance, thermoregulation, joint function and cardiovascular health. Dehydration quickly decreases performance and can be dangerous. Pre-hydrating and drinking fluids during exercise is key.


Vitamins and minerals support energy production, bone health, oxygen delivery to muscles, immune function and protection from oxidative damage. Vitamin D for example assists neuromuscular functioning for athletes. Targeted supplements help fill gaps.

Nutrient Timing

When an athlete eats particular nutrients impacts performance and recovery. Carb loading helps boost glycogen stores before an event. Consuming protein soon after training helps kickstart repair and growth of muscle tissue.

While good nutrition principles benefit all active people, an athlete’s specific goals determine optimal dietary strategies to gain strength, endurance or power. Working with experts helps develop science-based nutrition plans for success.

Steven Galvin

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