Course Description

Aches and pains? Stiff joints? Bad circulation? Have your body work for you, not against you! We will teach you a whole-body routine for releasing tension and increasing energy flow.

Once learned, you can employ any combination of these exercises. These exercises can be used for muscle toning and definition, or just to keep the body healthy, flexible and energised. Gentle, but powerful stretching exercises.

Includes elements of Tai Chi, Qi Gung and various martial arts warm up exercises. Ideal for the older person but very beneficial for all ages.

“..course was brilliant! Looked forward to it every Monday.”
“like no other course I have ever done! “
“ will not forget your course in a hurry. Great information!”
“explained everything very well”
“eye-opening and fun”
“amazing how many illusions I’m catching myself reacting to”
“I’m finding my life getting a whole lot easier!”

“Amazing! The more I relaxed I became, the better it worked!”

College Name People’s College for Continuing Education and Training
Course Category Fitness, Keep Fit, Sport
Course Type Practical
Course Location Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 1
Course Start Date 3rd October 2024
Course Fee €130 for twelve classes
Course Duration 12 weeks
Course Times Thursday 11:00-12.30
For information about People’s College for Continuing Education and Training, please visit our college page on by clicking here.

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People’s College for Continuing Education and Training
31/32 Parnell Square West
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