Course Description

Advanced Diploma in Medical Law

King’s Inns


This course provides a comprehensive overview of Medical Law with a focus on both domestic and European in that area. Participants will develop an understanding of the practical application of Medical Law principles, the legal obligations of medical professionals and regulatory practice.

One topical area that will be covered in the course is the commencement of the Assisted Decision–Making (Capacity) Act 2015, which is due to commence fully in 2022. This is a landmark piece of legislation which will massively overhaul the law on capacity in Ireland. The legislation deals with, amongst other things, enduring powers of attorney, advanced healthcare directives and sets up a system to support people in making decisions which will replace the wardship system in Ireland.

Medical practitioners should note that the course for 2021–2022 was approved for 15 external CPD credits by the College of Psychiatrists in Ireland, on the basis of full attendance and completion of the course. External CPD credits approved by the medical training bodies in Ireland (College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of Physicians, College of Anaesthetists and Irish College of General Practitioners) benefit from mutual recognition and approval between those bodies.


This course aims to inform participants about the legal environment surrounding the medical professions in Ireland. In particular, participants will:

  1. Develop a critical understanding of the theories, concepts, principles and policies underpinning medical law in Ireland;
  2. Examine the legal framework in which medicine is carried out and consider its implication for clinical practice;
  3. Identify situations which may give rise to legal claims;
  4. Describe and explain the current legal issues affecting clinical practise and hospital management;
  5. Examine the role of different actors and bodies in regulating the health care professions;
  6. Use legal terminology relating to this area of the law competently and correctly;
  7. Describe and explain key principles in this area;
  8. Debate potential legislative reforms in this area
  9. Identify factual, legal and practical issues arising in the context of a problem question scenario;
  10. Formulate and present written and oral arguments.

Application Deadline: Midnight (Irish time) on Thursday, October 5, 2023

Dublin, Ireland
College Name King’s Inns
Course Category Health Law, Law
Course Type Online Learning
Course Qualification Postgraduate Diploma
Course Location Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 1
Course Start Date 11th October 2024
Course End Date 28th February 2025
Course Fee 2,550.00
Course Duration four weekends plus one weekday evening.
Course Times This course takes place in an online format only, live via Zoom, with recordings of lectures available after class is over. Interactive elements such as class discussions/tutorials will not be recorded and will be cast live only. The course takes place over four-weekend modules from October to February, with live tutorials and lectures on Friday evenings (5.45 pm to 9 pm) and on Saturdays (9.30 am to 3.30 pm), plus one weekday evening. Lectures from high calibre experts, both legal and clinical, will be complemented by tutorials which will enable participants’ close focus and honing of skills most relevant to their own decision–making context. This course will provide valuable insights into the legal framework affecting medical practice in Ireland. Contributors will be top clinical and legal experts. Where possible, a service user perspective will be included.
Awarding Body The Honorable Society of King's Inns
Title of Awarding Advanced Diploma in Medical Law
Entry Requirements There are no admission requirements for this course. A place on the highly sought–after course is not secured until the tuition fee is received in full. Once payment is received, you are automatically accepted on the course.
Career Path The course attracts clinical and managerial healthcare professionals and hospital administrators who wish to improve their knowledge of medico-legal aspects of healthcare. It is also of interest to those interested in moving into a medical career. In addition, to lawyers working or seeking to enhance their expertise in medical law, policymakers and regulators.
For information about King’s Inns, please visit our college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

King’s Inns

King’s Inns, Henrietta Street,, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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