Course Description

Advanced Diploma in Corporate, White–Collar and Regulatory Crime

King’s Inns


Over recent years, discussion on crime has gradually focused more on corporate, white–collar and regulatory crime. This shift is primarily due to the fallout from the international financial crisis and the profound impact this has had on the economy. There exists a heightened awareness of the catastrophic effects that offences of this nature can have on society.

Some research also suggests that various forms of fraud and cybercrime are increasingly prevalent matters of concern for individuals and organisations. Consequently, white–collar crime is an area of increasing importance.

This Diploma addresses both the procedural and the substantive law that applies to corporate, white–collar and regulatory crime.


This unique Advanced Diploma provides participants with a comprehensive practical knowledge of the main areas of corporate, white–collar and regulatory crime so that participants will be equipped to deal with the main issues in practice in what is an emerging area of law of increasing significance for many sectors and interests within the State.

Participants will acquire a practical in–depth knowledge of the issues facing regulators, prosecutors, investigators, companies, practitioners and law reformers in this area.

On completion of the Advanced Diploma, participants should be better able to:

  1. Identify the nature and characteristics of corporate and white–collar crimes;
  2. Develop a greater understanding of sanctioning and compliance-oriented models of corporate enforcement, including a critical appreciation for the relative strengths and weaknesses of each model and their overlapping nature;
  3. Recognise the Irish experience of addressing corporate misbehaviour in light of the social, political and economic context to enforcement;
  4. Increase analytical skills and knowledge of the various procedures in place for the investigation, prosecution and punishment of corporate wrongdoers, including the various due process protections in place.


The Diploma will appeal to legal practitioners and policymakers with an interest in corporate, white–collar and regulatory crime. It will also appeal to company directors, financial, tax and insurance sectors, accounting bodies, regulatory bodies, HR practitioners, IR practitioners, members of An Garda Síochána, civil servants and trade union officials.

Having a diverse group of professionals studying this course together allows participants to learn from each other, especially during tutorials and Q&A sessions.

Application Deadline: Midnight (Irish time) on Thursday, September 5, 2024

Dublin, Ireland
College Name King’s Inns
Course Category Business, Business & Corporate Management
Course Type Blended Learning - Mix of Classroom & Online
Course Qualification Postgraduate Diploma
Course Location Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 1
Course Start Date 26th September 2024
Course End Date 27th February 2025
Course Fee 2,550.00
Course Duration 12 weeks, one morning a week
Course Times The course takes place over 12 weeks, with lectures on Thursday mornings from September to February. Most classes will take the form of live–streamed lectures via Zoom from 8.00 am to 9.30 am each morning. There will be a small number of in–person sessions which will take place at King’s Inns. In–person sessions may take place in either the morning or in an after–work slot, from 6 pm.
Awarding Body The Honorable Society of King's Inns
Title of Awarding Advanced Diploma in Corporate, White–Collar and Regulatory Crime
Entry Requirements There are no admission requirements for this course. A place on the highly sought–after course is not secured until the tuition fee is received in full. Once payment is received, you are automatically accepted on the course..
Career Path The Diploma will appeal to legal practitioners and policymakers with an interest in corporate, white–collar and regulatory crime. It will also appeal to company directors, financial, tax and insurance sectors, accounting bodies, regulatory bodies, HR practitioners, IR practitioners, members of An Garda Síochána, civil servants and trade union officials.
For information about King’s Inns, please visit our college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

King’s Inns

King’s Inns, Henrietta Street,, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advanced Diploma in Corporate, White–Collar and Regulatory Crime
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