Complementary Therapy Courses

By Frank Bolger - Last update

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Are you sick of popping pills to cure an ailment Do you prefer instead the idea of achieving a sense of balance, harmony and overall well-being in your life Perhaps you love the relaxing effects of aromatherapy oils and massage or the healing benefits of herbal remedies and acupuncture Perhaps you are simply curious to learn more and pass on what you learn to others Are you passionate about helping others explore the health and lifestyle benefits of complementary therapies If so, a career in complementary therapy could be just for you.

Complementary therapy is the collective term for a diverse range of practices of healing that are usually based on beliefs not derived from traditional medical practices or modern science. Rather, they stem from principles rooted in aspects of the metaphysical, spiritual and other non-Western alternatives to traditional medical practice. Therapies range from homeopathy to hypnotherapy, aromatherapy to acupuncture, massage to reflexology and osteopathy and can be studied individually or collectively. Complementary therapists are usually passionate about treating the person to restore a sense of energy, balance, harmony and overall well-being and interested in exploring new approaches to and methods of healing. It is an exciting and increasingly more popular area of study which is developing rapidly and offering a diverse range of career prospects and opportunities.

There are many courses and degree programmes available in all areas of complementary therapy, offering different levels of qualification. For example, completion of the 8-month Holistic Massage Diploma at Motions Health and Fitness Training leads to a professional, ITEC London accredited, qualification as a massage therapist. Similarly the Healing House offers an 8-month course providing an internationally recognised diploma in Aromatherapy. Diplomas in Reflexology and Aromatherapy available at Senior College, Dun Laoghaire are taught via classroom-based methods twice a week. Prerequisite Students are required to hold a Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Body Massage, a Nursing qualification, or equivalent. The Shanghai Acupuncture College Ireland offers a degree programme in acupuncture which is taught during weekend classes over a period of 4 years.

Frank Bolger

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