Name: Raymond Murray
Age: 33
Course Provider: Griffith College
Course: Business studies (final year night student)
The decision to go back into education was at first a very daunting prospect as I had been out of education since leaving secondary school, I had wanted to return for a number years and acquire a degree in business studies, but found it very hard to finally make the desion to become a night student. When I finally got myself to make the decision to go back to college it was an incredible feeling of accomplishment.
I currently work at Dublin Airport and always felt there were better opportunities for me if I upgraded my skills by return to education. Studying Business was my preferred choice as it was an area that had such a broad variety of avenues to follow in the future. Such as, Marketing, Human Resources, Information Technology and Finance. As the course continued my preferred area that I would like to follow became much clearer.
Finance is the subject that interested me most and I got great pleasure from learning all about different areas of the business environment. I found the lectures interesting and extremely helpful in helping me adapt back into educational life as a night student.
Meeting like minded people with similar goals and aspirations helped me adapt better to studying at night. I found my class mates shared similar challenges that come with studying and holding down a job during the day as well as responsibilities out side of college. I also found the lecturers were very understanding to these challenges and had real life experience in the business world and took great personal delight in passing on their acquired knowledge and experience.
My ultimate goal from graduating from Griffith College would be to have a career in the financial services industry. I found accountancy particularly interesting and an area I would pursue with great interest in my final year.
I currently attend Griffith College three evenings a week for the past two years. I am looking forward to entering my final year. I feel my confidence has grown and allowed me to meet new challenges like scheduling study time and exam preparation with better focus and determination.
Becoming a student again has had its challenges but the rewards that education has given me will stay with me for life. I now look forward to the challenges that lay ahead with delight in knowing I face a well designed future in my chosen field.