Unlock Upskilling Opportunities to Transform your Business With Game Changing Micro-credentials

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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The Dublin Regional Skills Forum in collaboration with the MicroCreds Project based at the Irish Universities Association will host an online webinar – Unlock Upskilling Opportunities to Transform your Business With Game Changing Micro-credentials – exploring the role micro-credentials can play in helping businesses to address their skills needs. The webinar aims to empower businesses with the knowledge of how to future proofing your workforce through short, flexible and accredited micro-credential courses on offer in Dublin.

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The webinar will cover:

–          How businesses can assess their current skills needs

–          What are micro-credentials and how do they benefit business

–          What micro-credentials are on offer through MicroCreds

–          What funding opportunities are available to businesses for upskilling

–          Case studies on how enterprise is currently engaging with micro-credentials

The webinar will include a panel discussion moderated by Natasha Kinsella, Dublin Regional Skills Forum Manager. Our panellists include:

–          Jools O’Connor, MicroCreds Project Lead, Irish Universities Association

–          Marian O’Connor, MicroCreds Project Lead at University College Dublin

–          Fiona Gamble, MicroCreds Project Lead at Trinity College Dublin

–          Caitríona Nic Giolla Mhichíl, MicroCreds Project Lead at Dublin City University


About Dublin Regional Skills Forum: The Dublin Regional Skills Forum (DRSF) is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS), bringing together key stakeholders from education, training, and industry sectors within the Greater Dublin Region. Their primary goal is to facilitate effective communication and cooperation to address the skills needs of businesses and employees. By forging partnerships and offering valuable insights, the Dublin Regional Skills Forum plays a pivotal role in enhancing the region’s workforce development and supporting economic prosperity. For more information, please visit www.gov.ie/regionalskills

About MicroCreds: MicroCreds is an ambitious 5-year, €12.3 million project led by the IUA in partnership with seven IUA universities: University College Dublin, University College Cork, University of Limerick, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University, University of Galway and Maynooth University. The project funding was awarded following a competitive process under the DFHERIS Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3 Innovation and Agility, with funding drawn from the National Training Fund and administered through the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Human Capital Initiative Pillar 3 scheme bringing together hundreds of short, flexible, and accredited courses from seven IUA universities into one central place, enabling learners to browse courses, find suitable upskilling opportunities and begin their application process. Our partners have developed micro-credentials in areas including sustainability, digital transformation, data programming, digital disruption and Fintech to name a few. For more information please visit: https://microcreds.ie/


What are Micro-Credentials?

Steven Galvin

Weekly Oil Painting Classes (Dublin Art Studio)