Statement of Strategy 2023-2025

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Today Minister Simon Harris TD launched the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science‘s new Statement of Strategy 2023-2025, speaking at the launch he said: “We will place a key focus on the skills needs of this country and ensuring we create pathways for everyone.”
The Strategy’s vision is to bring together an inclusive learning and innovation society where every person is able to reach their full potential.

Statement of Strategy 2023 – 2025

“We will develop Ireland’s tertiary education, training and research to support people to reach their full potential and create a prosperous, sustainable and vibrant society, ready to meet the challenges of a changing world.”

Some ways this can be achieved include:
  1. Ensuring equitable access to higher education and lifelong learning opportunities that are relevant to supporting social mobility and preparing learners for the rapidly evolving needs of the economy and workplace.
  2. Delivering innovative programs focusing on the development of creative, ethical, resilient, and globally engaged citizens ready to tackle global challenges and become tomorrow’s pioneers.
  3. Embracing pioneering research, knowledge creation, and technology transfer that positively impacts economic development and addresses pressing societal issues in areas like climate change, sustainability, health, and social justice.
  4. Enabling a network of diverse, socially connected, and digitally enabled institutions that promote scholarly excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, and close alliances with industry and the community.
  5. Driving decisions and policies that advance the tertiary education environment’s inclusiveness, funding support for priority capabilities, global competitiveness, and overall alignment to national objectives.

Steven Galvin

Producing Prime Time Adult Animation
Diploma in Artificial Intelligence at DBS