Search for Irish Tax Institute Courses on

By Cormac O' Meara - Last update

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Do you want to up skill in your career? Search for CPD, Certificates and Diploma courses run by the Irish Tax Institute on today!

About Irish Tax Institute Courses

The Irish Tax Institute was founded on 10 November 1967 and celebrated their 50th anniversary last year. The Irish Tax Institute is the leading representative and educational body for Ireland’s Chartered Tax Advisers (CTA). Furthermore, it is the only professional body exclusively dedicated to tax. They provide tax education and expertise to thousands of businesses, multinationals and individuals.

Adviser (CTA) qualification is the gold standard in tax. In addition, it’s the international mark of excellence in tax advice. With over 5,000 members in Ireland, along with the Chartered Institute of Taxation UK and The Tax Institute of Australia, it’s part of the 30,000-strong international CTA network and a member of the CFE Tax Advisers Europe, (CFE) the European umbrella body for tax professionals.

Irish Tax Institute members provide tax education and expertise to thousands of businesses, multinationals, and individuals in Ireland and internationally. In addition, many members hold senior roles within professional service firms, global companies, Government, Revenue, state bodies and the European Commission.

The Institute offer professional tax qualifications for those who are pursuing tax traineeships and who wish to become Chartered Tax Advisers (CTA).


Cormac O' Meara

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