DIY Courses – Reclaiming your Home

DIY Courses – Reclaiming your Home

We all like things to be convenient. From our foods to our shopping to our entertainment. It has simply become easier to leave it to someone else to provide the solutions to our problems. But in doing so, we have […]

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Mind, music and physical performance

Mind, music and physical performance

Is it possible that our imaginations could enhance our real-life performance levels According to a study conducted by a team of academics from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation (whose findings were published in the journal Neuropsycholgia), simply imagining making a movement […]

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Building the digital economy, one step at a time

Building the digital economy, one step at a time

It may seem unlikely, but Ireland is slowly making good on its ambitions to become a world leader in the provision of digital skills. The Dublin-based Digital Marketing Institute recently announced that it had signed a 1.6 million euro contract […]

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Being all grown up: getting into gardening

Being all grown up: getting into gardening

‘A person who is growing a garden, if he is growing it organically, is improving a piece of the world.’ So said the American poet and academic Wendell Berry. The sentiment implies that no matter how small your space, learning […]

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Diet and Nutrition: one hot potato!

Diet and Nutrition: one hot potato!

Enjoying your food is one thing, but knowing it is another thing altogether. The difference is that those who know it enjoy it too. Maybe more than we think if recent research is to be believed. If you’ve ever thought […]

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Getting your writing right

Getting your writing right

This week saw the launch of Dublin Writer’s Festival 2013 – replete with fascinating talks, readings, book launches and creative writing workshops. Given Ireland’s reputation as a nation of scribes and scholars (for such a small island our literary contribution […]

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Floristry: Fertilising Communication

Floristry: Fertilising Communication

There are myriad ways that we can communicate with one another. We have the complexities of language, of gesture, of facial expression and so on – so why is it that so many of our social occasions and most devout […]

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Photography: seeing the world your way

Photography: seeing the world your way

Photography is one of the most popular pastimes in Ireland, boasting dedicated enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds. The reasons for this are many, but the easy accessibility offered by digital devices is surely a central driving force in making […]

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Pilates Classes: Backing up your Health

Pilates Classes: Backing up your Health

We Irish are a stolid, stubborn lot. If we have to suffer, then we’d often prefer to do it in silence. An ailment will have to knock us clean off out feet before we’ll even consider having it looked into. […]

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Adult Literacy and Learning

Adult Literacy and Learning

Saying that further education is the key to career progression and personal fulfillment is all well and good, but it assumes that everyone is fortunate enough to have the basic literacy skills to avail of further learning opportunities – something […]

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Being curious about lifelong learning

Being curious about lifelong learning

The incentives that are regularly bandied about when it comes to further learning are typically employment-related: how skills can be used to service industry needs; how learning plays a major role in advancing the ongoing commitment to creating a knowledge […]

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Astronomy classes: making an impact

Astronomy classes: making an impact

The scintillating, yet sobering, amateur video footage which surfaced a few weeks back of giant balls of light streak across the clear Russian sky made a few things all too clear to many observers. For one thing, it pretty much […]

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Solas Switches On

Solas Switches On

We caught this piece in the Irish Times on Tuesday and it got us thinking here at Towers. Solas, or ‘the new FAS’ will have an enormous task ahead of it – setting up 16 new education and training […]

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