October Jobs in the Garden

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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As autumn settles in, October is a critical month for preparing your garden for the colder months ahead. It’s the perfect time to finish harvesting, prepare the soil for next spring, and protect delicate plants from frost.

October Jobs in the Garden

1. Harvest and Clear Summer Crops

  • Vegetables: Finish harvesting any late crops like tomatoes, pumpkins, and squash. Remove any remaining summer plants from your vegetable beds to avoid pests overwintering.
  • Fruit: Gather any apples, pears, and late-season berries. Cut back old raspberry canes and tidy up fruit trees.

2. Plant Autumn Bulbs

  • Plant spring-flowering bulbs like tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and alliums. They need to be in the ground before the first frost to establish their roots.
  • Add autumn bulbs such as autumn crocus and cyclamen to brighten your garden in the colder months.

3. Protect Tender Plants

  • Move potted tender plants, like geraniums or citrus, indoors or to a sheltered greenhouse.
  • Use fleece or cloches to protect delicate plants that must remain outside, particularly during overnight frosts.

4. Tidy Flower Beds and Borders

  • Deadhead faded flowers and remove any dead or diseased plant material to tidy up your garden.
  • Prune perennials like roses and lavender, but leave seed heads of plants like coneflowers and echinacea to provide winter interest and food for birds.

5. Lawn Care

  • Rake up fallen leaves to prevent them from smothering your lawn and turning it into a damp, rotting mess.
  • Mow the lawn for the final time of the year, setting the blades higher to protect the grass over winter.
  • Aerate the lawn to improve drainage and prevent waterlogging.

6. Compost and Mulch

  • Add fallen leaves to your compost heap, or create a leaf mold pile to break down and provide rich, organic matter for your garden.
  • Mulch flower beds with compost or leaf mold to insulate roots and improve soil structure.

7. Prepare Vegetable Beds for Winter

  • Clear and dig over empty vegetable beds, removing weeds and adding organic matter, such as well-rotted manure or compost.
  • Plant winter crops like garlic, onions, and broad beans, which will establish roots over the colder months.

8. Clean and Store Tools

  • Clean garden tools thoroughly before storing them away for the winter to prevent rust and prolong their life.
  • Drain and store hoses, and clean out water butts to prevent damage from freezing.

9. Feed the Wildlife

  • Put out bird feeders filled with high-energy food like seeds and fat balls, as natural food sources start to dwindle in the colder months.
  • Consider building a bug hotel or leaving some garden debris as shelter for insects and small creatures over winter.

By tackling these October garden jobs, you’ll ensure your garden stays healthy and well-prepared for the coming winter while setting the stage for a vibrant spring.

Do you love nature and plants? Are you passionate about looking after your garden? At Nightcourses.com we list a range of Gardening Courses available around Ireland.


Steven Galvin

AONTAS STAR Awards 2025
University of Galway establishes Institute for Health Discovery and Innovation


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