Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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The Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund (MAEDF) is open for applications.

The Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund (MAEDF) aims to provide funding to support educationally disadvantaged learners in accessing and participating in community education. The fund was launched by Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD, and is administered by SOLAS, the further education and training authority, and the 16 local Education and Training Boards.

Local Education and Training Boards are now inviting applications from Community Education providers for funding from Mitigating Educational Disadvantage Fund 2021.

Funding applications from Community Education providers can be made by completing a funding application from which is available from Adult Education Officers in your local Education and Training Board.

Contact your local ETB.

Mitigating Against Educational Disadvantage Fund

This fund places a strong focus on

  • Community Education as a mechanism to continue to support and engage with disadvantaged learners
  • Reaching out, encouraging and supporting learners to re-engage with further education and training
  • Enticing new learners to engage with further education and training opportunities
  • Enabling the investment in building the digital infrastructure of providers, and their capability to ensure that online learning can be delivered in a way that meets the complex needs of learners.

Categories eligible for funding consideration are:

  • Digital Technologies – Supply of devices, software and systems, or CPD training, to facilitate high quality learning and delivery.
  • Learner Assistance Fund to help, where appropriate, with costs associated with course participation, such as: books and class materials.


  • Outreach, Engagement and Mentoring Fund to assist with costs associated with activities such as awareness raising, and services to promote re-engagement
  • COVID-19 Recovery Exceptional Circumstances Fund for Community Education to address educationally disadvantaged learners

The fund was first made available in 2020 with over 500 community education projects funded through the 16 Education and Training Boards. The projects funded varied from projects to help support online leaning, connect communities and providing social supports to the most disadvantaged.

Contact your local ETB. is Ireland’s largest part-time course finder database, with thousands of part-time courses, evening, morning and weekend classes and adult education courses to choose from. You’ll find your perfect course on

Steven Galvin

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