Lifelong Learning Week 2021

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Lifelong Learning Week kicks off today, Monday 29th November 2021.

See what’s on here.

Streaming here

Why a lifelong learning week?

Lifelong learning covers education and training across all ages and in all areas of life. It enables citizen’s emancipation and full participation in society in its civic, political, social and economic dimensions. A humanistic and holistic approach of learning, from the cradle to the grave, is of continued relevance in today’s world and a viable foundation for the rethinking of education. The Lifelong Learning Week aims to raise awareness on the fact that lifelong learning answers many challenges of modern societies. Fostering a comprehensive approach to education is especially important when it comes to building learning societies, by making sure that our citizens are fully equipped with the competences they need in the 21st century. The paradigm shift to lifelong learning means recognising that learning is taking place in various contexts – be it formal, non-formal and informal. It implies changing the ways we provide and receive education, the ways we assess learning and the ways we work and live together.


During the LLLWeek, participants will be taken into the LLLP’s annual theme: ‘The changing nature of evaluation in education and its impact on learners’ wellbeing‘. We will subsequently dwell on the policy framework that provides the tools useful to read our society and the impact it bears on learnes. Different approaches can be deepened, as they all build up to the same overarching objective:

  1. New ways to value learning
  2. For learners’ and educators’ wellbeing
  3. Rethinking learning outcomes

In fact, all of these will contribute to the goal that the Lifelong Learning Platform has always been pursuing: better societies through education and lifelong learning.

What are assessment, evaluation, and testing? Why are they important? What are different ways of approaching them? What are the challenges? 

Educational assessment or educational evaluation[1] is the systematic process of documenting and using empirical data on the knowledgeskill, attitudes, and beliefs to refine programs and improve student learning.

What does wellbeing mean in education and training? Why is it important? What impacts wellbeing in education and training (external vs internal factors)? What are the challenges? 

According to the Council of Europe: Wellbeing is the experience of health and happiness. It includes mental and physical health, physical and emotional safety, and a feeling of belonging, sense of purpose, achievement and success. Wellbeing is a broad concept and covers a range of psychological and physical abilities.

Is there a correlation between learners’ wellbeing and assessments/evaluation? If so, what is it? How does it differ according to assessment/evaluation methods? 

The role of the learning outcomes: What is the impact on wellbeing? What is the impact on an assessment?  What is the impact on teaching methods?

Learning outcomes specify what learners’ new behaviours will be after a learning experience. They state the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the students will gain through your course. Learning outcomes begin with an action verb and describe something observable or measurable.

The Lifelong Learning Platform is an umbrella that gathers 42 European organisations active in the field of education, training and youth. Currently these networks represent more than 50 000 educational institutions and associations covering all sectors of formal, non-formal and informal learning. Their members reach out to several millions of beneficiaries.

Steven Galvin

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