Dr. Michelle Wescott Aesthetic Academy: Professional Training for Aesthetic Medicine
Enquire about training courses run by the Dr. Michelle Wescott Aesthetic Academy today on Nightcourses.com.
Professional Training for Aesthetic Medicine
Our mission is to advance excellence in the field of aesthetic medicine for medical practitioners. We provide a range of training courses created by Dr Michelle Westcott, a medical doctor and Aesthetics Physician.
At Dr. Michelle’s Aesthetic Academy we prioritise the role of education in practice. Our courses are created to be practically significant and relevant to the latest trends and techniques in aesthetic medicine.
We equip each doctor not only with the knowledge they need to perform the techniques, but also the confidence to apply these techniques in their practice.
The Dr. Michelle Westcott Aesthetic Academy Philosophy
“At the Academy, we teach excellence by combining theory and practice” Dr. Michelle Westcott, Founder of the Aesthetic Academy.
Our teaching philosophy is pioneering in Ireland – we extend our training beyond mere theoretical understanding. Our courses are structured to provide every attendee with essential academic knowledge and comprehension, while also offering robust support in applying the techniques they learn.
What sets our courses apart is their unique design – each course includes a follow-up session that offers detailed guidance and feedback on practical application.
“Time and again, I have observed that medical practitioners often lack confidence in applying their knowledge. My goal is to not only impart the necessary information but also to support each medical professional in confidently practicing their skills.” – Dr. Michelle