Climate Change & Migration Symposium at Trinity Long Room Hub

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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Trinity Long Room Hub invite you to attend The Climate Change & Migration Symposium, 1st edition on Thursday, 02 May 2024, 9.30am – 6pm.

This symposium is organised by the School of Law. It aims to develop a nuanced and multidisciplinary perspective on legal issues regarding Climate Change and Migration.

The changing climate and environmental degradation will have a significant impact on migration trends and migrant populations in the future. The potential magnitude of the problem has been increasingly addressed in domestic and international judicial decisions, statements by international bodies, and media reports. The relationship between climate change and migration, and the broader political, economic and social contexts in which the phenomena occur, is increasingly becoming an area of robust scholarly attention. The quest to understand how climate change and environmental degradation will affect societies going forward, including migration trends remains challenging. From a legal point of view, it raises complex questions about human rights protection, citizenship and statelessness, law of the sea, non-refoulement, and reparation, among others.

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Steven Galvin

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