Ballroom Dancing Classes

By Frank Bolger - Last update

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Until the arrival of hit TV programme Strictly Come Dancing, ballroom dancing seemed destined to be the preserve of perma-tanned couples with fixed grins and gaudy attire dancing in international competition. Thanks to big Brucey Forsyth however, the masses are getting involved in this exhilarating and pleasurable pastime like never before.

A hybrid of the historical dancing favourites of the upper and lower classes, ballroom dancing incorporates everything from the stately and graceful waltz, to the high-kicking, giving it socks rock & roll dance routine, and everything in between.

Technically speaking, what ties such disparate styles as the foxtrot, tango and American smooth together is that they all involve couples comprised of a leader and follower . Physical contact between the pair through the upper or lower body, or simply through the arms depending on the dance, allows the leader to dictate the next manoeuvre to the follower .

The very reasons that led to ballroom dancing losing much of its popularity in recent decades, namely the requirement for practice and knowledge of the various step patterns and moving in tandem with another, is helping its revival today. People are enjoying the challenge of mastering the many skills of ballroom dancing.

Besides the warm sense of having overcome a challenge that you have set yourself, other benefits of a ballroom dancing class include dramatic improvements to fitness and athleticism, as well as the opportunity to make friends. The social barriers tend to come down pretty quick once you have seen each other s first attempts at the cha cha. In addition, course providers emphasise that attending in readymade couples is not at all necessary.

All part-time ballroom dancing courses listed on Nightcourses. com welcome class goers of every level of ability and experience, from absolute beginner to past master. There is also no need to go about purchasing a sequined gown or the ludicrously tight trousers cruelly enforced upon male dancers in international competition, your Flahavans tracksuit will do just fine.

Frank Bolger

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