Step Three…Goal Setting

By Frank Bolger - Last update

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Goal Setting are what you hope to achieve within your ability, taking into account your present circumstances and your past history. When setting goals it is important to be positive and decisive once you have chosen your goal that is the first step towards successful learning. It is useful to ask yourself the following question when goal settings, i. e.

Are my goals SMART

S Specific is my reason for doing the course clear and precise
M Manageable – are the resources and opportunities available
A Attainable is it within my ability
R Realistic will my circumstances allow it
T Time how much time will it involve

As a final word, it is important to remember that Rome wasn t built in a day.

Goals are achieved in small steps

From Waterford Institute of Technology s WIT Adult & Continuing Education
Study Guide

Frank Bolger

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Step Four...Organising Yourself and Your Time