Advantages of each learning style
You get totally involved in something that interests you.
You work well with other people.
You will try out any new idea or way of working.
You enjoy writing freely as it comes.
You are not concerned with making a fool of yourself by asking questions or volunteering for something new.
You like variety and excitement.
You learn by talking with other people.
You can skim and scan new books.
You see new ways of doing things.
You come up with creative solutions.
You see the long-term implications of things.
You can see the whole picture.
You see the connections between the different subjects or topics being studied.
You don t hurry or get in a flap.
You present work in novel and artistically pleasing ways.
You are good at coming up with new alternatives.
You organise facts and material well.
You like to understand everything you are working on.
You work at things until you get them right.
You are curious and enjoy problems.
You are a good critic.
You work well alone with minimum help from other people.
You are precise and thorough.
You see the link between ideas.
You plan well in advance for any work you have to do and know how to prioritise tasks.
You work alone.
You are good at setting goals and you like to use timetables and work plans.
You know how to find the information you need.
You get things done on time.
You don t get distracted.
You organise your time well so you have time for other things.
You read instructions carefully before starting to work on something.
You have any equipment or written materials you need organised and / or filed.
Disadvantages of each learning style
You rush into things without thinking them through in advance.
You tend to neglect the things, which don t interest you.
You are not good at organising time.
You try to do too many things at once.
You find it difficult to prioritise tasks.
You leave things until the last minute.
You can be demanding of your friends.
You can t be bothered with details.
You don t read through or check work.
You tend to forget important details. You wait too long before getting started. You accept ideas uncritically. You don t like timetables for work or work plans and you don t organise your work well. You only work in bursts of energy. You forget important things you need for your work. You are easily distracted from the task in hand. You don t go over your work or organise materials. You are too easy going, not assertive enough with other people. LOGICAL You need too much information before getting down to work and allowing yourself an opinion. You don t use friends and others as resources. You are over-cautious and don t like taking risks. You can get bogged down in theory. You don t trust feelings, your own or other peoples . You don t function well in group discussions. You keep problems to yourself. You are reluctant to try out new approaches and you like to do things in a set way. You only trust logic. PRACTICAL You are impatient with the views of others. You don t use friends and others as resources. You can t see the wood for the trees, i. e. you get preoccupied with details. You lack imagination. You think there is only one way of doing things your way! You are poor at coming up with new questions. You often don t work well with others. You are more concerned with getting the job done than with making sure that you do a good job. You cut corners and are not interested in the presentation of your work. From Waterford Institute of Technology s WIT Adult & Continuing Education Study Guide