Answer these questions to find out whether you manage your time for homework and
study effectively. Discussing your answers with friends or your teacher may help you
work better.
1. I write down all the tasks I have to do
a. Always
b. Usually
c. Seldom
2. I sometimes make mistakes because I fail to read the questions properly
a. Never
b. Sometimes
c. Regularly
Checking my work
3. When I finish written work
a. I usually check it carefully
b. I sometimes read it over
c. I hardly ever check it over
4. I test myself or get someone else to test me
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Never
5. When I get an assignment back
a. I go over all the mistakes carefully
b. I quickly read any corrections
c. I just look at my mark
6. I review what I have learned
a. Often
b. Sometimes
c. Never
Organising Work Space
7. I watch TV whilst studying
a. Never
b. Sometimes
c. Often
8. I have a quiet place of my own to work at home
a. Always
b. Sometimes
c. Never
9. There are other distractions when I work at home
a. Seldom
b. Sometimes
c. Nearly always
Organising Work and Time
10. I make a timetable and stick to it
a. Yes
b. I try but find it impossible to stick to it
c. I do not think it is necessary
11. I have an arrangement with family and friends about when I can work
a. Yes
b. No
12. When I work at home, I take short breaks to keep me fresh
a. usually
b. occasionally
c. hardly ever
13. I usually spread a large assignment over two or more days
a. always
b. sometimes
c. never
14. Before I start homework, I decide how long the session will last
a. nearly always
b. sometimes
c. hardly ever
15. I try to apply my work to other things in my life
a. always
b. sometimes
c. never
16. When doing homework
a. I save the hardest part until last
b. I start with the hardest
c. I do not separate my work this way
17. I give myself a reward or treat when I finish my homework
a. often
b. sometimes
c. never
Count up how many a , b and c answers you have.
If you have mostly a
-You have a positive approach to your work, taking care to make the most of
your time and resources.
If you answered mostly b
– Your score suggests that you are trying to work but may not always make the
best use of your time and resources.
If you answered mostly c
– To study successfully, you need to give more thought and planning to your
study times. You may have some disruptions in your life making it difficult for
you to work.
From Waterford Institute of Technology s WIT Adult & Continuing Education
Study Guide