Irish Civil War National Conference

By Steven Galvin - Last update

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On 15-18 June 2022, University College Cork will host the Irish Civil War National Conference, to mark the centenary of the opening of hostilities at the Four Courts in Dublin.

Irish Civil War National Conference

The four-day conference will seek to explore political, social, cultural, military, and economic dimensions to the Irish Civil war. It will also locate the Irish experience within the broader context of similar national, imperial and European political realignments following the end of the Great War. Wider historiographical and theoretical perspectives on the phenomenon of civil war, as experienced both before and since 1922-23, will also be invited to place the Irish Civil War within broader chronological and geographical frameworks.

The conference will seek, neither a single agreed narrative, nor indeed a sense of ‘closure’. Instead it will attempt to gather the fruits of on-going historical research in what the Expert Advisory Group describes as, ‘meaningful engagements with a difficult and traumatic time’.

Take a look at courses on Irish History here

UCC University College Cork runs courses, part-time courses and education programmes to Cork and the Greater Munster area. The Adult Continuing Education Department’s purpose is to provide UCC Courses and opportunities in lifelong learning for all adults irrespective of age and previous educational achievements.

Adult Continuing Education (ACE), University College Cork has been offering courses and education programmes to Cork and the greater Munster area since 1946 and is proud to celebrate 65 years of educational services to the community. The first Diploma in Social and Economic Science course was formally opened at a public meeting in University College, Cork on the 14th October, 1946 and 24 students were awarded the diploma in June 1948.

UCC courses are run at UCC to cater for the particular needs of adult learners. Our staff adopt the particular approach needed to enhance adults’ learning so that all students may have a rewarding educational experience. Learn more here.

Steven Galvin

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