If you are overworked, frazzled and just too busy, meditation can give you the tools to cope. However, learning meditation can be a catch-22 for busy people. You really need to destress – but you don’t have time to do an eight week course.
Carolyn Curtis of Coach4Life runs a one day meditation course. You will learn to meditate and bring some calm into your life. Meditation teaches you how to act in the moment, rather than simply reacting to life’s pressures. Meditation is also a great tool for people who find it difficult to sleep. This simple and easy practice can help you cope with stress and improve your energy levels. As a result, you’ll be happier and healthier.
About Coach4Life
Carolyn Curtis founded Coach4Life. Carolyn is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). She has life coached hundreds of groups and individuals over the last 15 years. Carolyn is passionate about motivating and inspiring others to create the life they want!
The Irish Times, the Irish Examiner and Oprah Magazine have all featured and quoted Carolyn’s work.
Furthermore, Carolyn is a guest lecturer at University College Cork. She also regularly gives seminars in the health sector.
For the many years Carolyn has had government sponsorship to work with vulnerable people. She coaches groups of people who are long-term unemployed and to parents of teenagers in drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Carolyn also hosts regular Wellness and Creative Retreat Holidays in Lanzarote focusing on Meditation, Minduflness, QiGong and Art.
For more information on Coach4Life course, please click here.