Course Description

Herbal Medicine (Introduction Evening Course)

People’s College for Continuing Education and Training

Tutor: Susan O’Donoghue, BSc (Hons) Herbal Medicine, MNIMH

Location: Peoples College, 31/32 Parnell Square, Dublin 1

Herbal Medicine is the use of plants in the prevention, management and treatment of disease, it is one of the oldest forms of medicine known to mankind and is steeped in history and folklore.

This is a 12 week Course.

The aim of this course is to give the student an understanding of herbal medicine and a practical knowledge that can be used in daily life to improve their health and wellbeing. It will focus on herbal medicine of European tradition, also incorporating some of the more commonly used Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine herbs.

The course includes:

  • Herbal and lifestyle advice to help improve digestion, increase immunity, benefit the heart, ease aches and pains, manage stress, improve sleep and balance hormones
  • The medicinal properties of some common culinary herbs such as garlic, ginger, rosemary, thyme, turmeric, and herbs we may see growing locally such as dandelion, cleavers, elder, hawthorn and nettle 
  • Demonstration and making your own herbal remedies such as teas, decoctions, tinctures, macerated oils, balms, ointments and creams
  • Weekly herb tastings and herbal teas.
  • Cost of materials are included in the price.

College Name People’s College for Continuing Education and Training
Course Category Alternative Therapy, Herbalism
Course Type Classroom Based
Course Location Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 1
Course Start Date 30th September 2024
Course Fee €130 for twelve classes
Course Duration 12 weeks
Course Times Day: Monday Time : 6.00 - 7.30pm
For information about People’s College for Continuing Education and Training, please visit our college page on by clicking here.

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People’s College for Continuing Education and Training
31/32 Parnell Square West
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