The MBA: one of the most sought after part-time business degrees

By Anne Sexton - Last update

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The MBA is one of the most highly regarded business degrees and can be done on a part-time basis. The Master of Business Administration teaches strategic business management. It is also a famously tough postgraduate course, and as a result, graduates are highly sought after. Though the full-time degree is the preferred method of study for most people considering a business education, a part-time MBA can often be far more convenient. After all, the commitment of leaving a job you might enjoy, and even leaving the area or the country you are in may not suit everyone, particularly those with family, friends nearby.

Why Study a Part-time MBA Degree?

It is generally the need to stay working, focussed on your career and to pay your way through an MBA degree that attracts a proportion of candidates to part-time MBA degrees. There are a significant number of people whom, for various reasons, are unwilling or unable to pay the fees of a full-time MBA upfront. For those, remaining in the workplace is the only viable option. The best business schools in Ireland and abroad are offering supurb part-time MBA courses which provide MBA students with the same qualification as a full-time MBA degree.

In recent years, the part-time MBA option has seen an increase in interest – after all, not everyone either wants to or is able to leave their secure employment at this time, as the risks involved are quite clear. To cater for this, there are many part-time MBA programmes at some of Ireland’s top universities and colleges. These can take place after work, at weekends, during holiday periods, but can be demanding on the student. After all, balancing a full-time job, family, and social life are arduous for most people, so adding an MBA degree on top will add challenges.

Students on MBA programes can specialise in a number of areas. These include:

  • Business Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Project Management
  • Finance
  • Information Systems
  • Cloud Computing
  • Marketing

Understanding the contemporary business climate

MBA students must develop a thorough understanding of the current business climate as well as the challenges companies face. Most courses include guest seminars from business leaders. This allows them to understand how successful businesses navigate the threats and opportunities they face.

Networking opportunities

Students also take part in industry-led workshops and projects. Therefore, they have the opportunity to meet potential employers or business partners.

As well as meeting industry leaders, MBA students create networks amongst themselves. This can have a lasting impact on their careers. Most students are goal-focused with years of industry experience. This gives them the chance to learn from each other. Furthermore, they also keep an eye on each other, and highly skilled classmates form valuable business connections.

MBA Mobility

One of the best reasons to do an MBA is the career mobility it offers. Countries and companies may have different cultures, but good business strategy is good business strategy! It transcends borders. Furthermore, many of the world’s best companies are multinational. As a result, the MBA can be your passport to working in global business.

Anne Sexton

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