Course Description

Philosophy (An Introduction)- 8 weeks

Marino College

Philosophy – An Introduction

Week 1-4: Introduction to Philosophy

Does God exist? Are there moral principles that all human beings should follow? Can we ever know anything for certain? How should society be organised? These are some of the topics that we will explore on this course. The course aims to present some of the central ideas in philosophy and examine some of the great philosophers throughout history. The main topics covered will include: Ethics, Political philosophy and Philosophy of Religion, and Existentialism.

Ethics or Moral Philosophy

This is probably the biggest field within philosophy today because it has wide practical relevance to everyday common issues. Ethics can be applied to the fields of business, medicine, the media, the environment and so on and controversy still rages over the issues of Abortion, Euthanasia, human rights, stem cell research and other areas. Philosophers examined here include Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.

Topics covered:

 Virtue Ethics

 Kantian Ethics

 Utilitarianism

 Applied Ethics.


 Week 4-6: Political philosophy

Political philosophy is closely related to Ethics. This concerns our political institutions and how they serve the needs of the citizens in our democracy. What are the principles upon which these political institutions are founded? Are they based on social justice, fairness, human rights and freedom, the principles that are enshrined in our democracy. And what do we mean by these concepts such as justice, freedom and so on which are so widely used by politicians and commentators. Political philosophy examines both these political institutions and also the meaning and use of the political concepts that are used. Philosophers examined include Plato, Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and John Rawls.


Week 7-8: Philosophy of Religion

Topics Included:

 Religious experience and how it may be described

 The arguments for the existence of God

 Miracles, the problem of evil and other key issues Philosophers examined, Aristotle, Aquinas, David Hume, Paul Tillich and Martin Buber.



Existentialism is one of the most influential and popular movements in 20th century philosophy. Key existentialist thinkers are Sartre, Heiddeger, Camus and Kierkegaard. It had a huge influence in Europe not only in philosophy but in art, literature, psychology, and culture generally.

Tutor: Ross Campbell BA hons Philosophy UCD

Marino, Dublin, Ireland
Course Code 26
College Name Marino College
Course Category Humanities & Social Sciences, Philosophy
Course Type Classroom Based
Course Qualification Certificate of Attendance
Course Location Marino, Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 3
Course Start Date 16th September 2024
Course End Date 25th November 2024
Course Fee €90
Course Duration 8 weeks
Course Times Mondays 6:30-8.00 pm
Entry Requirements all welcome
For information about Marino College, please visit our college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider

Marino College

01 8332100
14-20 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Marino College
14-20 Marino Mart
Fairview, Dublin
Republic of Ireland
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