New NUI Galway part-time BA in Community and Family Studies

By Anne Sexton - Last update

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NUI Galway’s BA in Community and Family Studies is a four-year, part-time distance learning course. Students are awarded a Diploma in Arts (NFQ Level 7) in Community and Family Studies after successfully completing the first two years of the course. After four years, students are awarded a Bachelor of Arts in Community and Family Studies (NFQ Level 8).

What theBA in Community and Family Studies involves

The course is designed to enable participants to further develop and enhance their understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to family and community work practice and policy in Ireland or abroad. The main focus of the degree will be on community and family studies, but will broadly incorporate community development, community-based family support, adolescence, youth, childcare, health, political and general socio-economic studies.

“I’d encourage anyone hesitant about it to go for it. You’ll never look back!”

Dave Browne, 2nd year student on BA in Community and Family Studies.

Course start date: Saturday 1st of October, 2016.

To find out more call 091 495472, email: [email protected] or visit the NUI Galway website.

Anne Sexton

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