Study an M.A. in Leadership and Management at ICHAS

By Anne Sexton - Last update

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The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences (ICHAS) provides a Master s Programme in Leadership and Management. This Masters programme has helped many of our past students to successfully secure Senior Management roles in their work places while providing them with the skills and knowledge to lead their staff or fellow employees.

The Masters in Leadership and Management is interdisciplinary in nature, aimed at building an integrative approach to professional leadership and management. This Masters programme is designed to support learners to develop the key skills, knowledge, attitudes and approaches required to engage effectively as leaders and managers in their chosen field. A strong emphasis is placed on research within this programme and learners are provided with an opportunity to explore, access, and influence the future direction of current organisational strategies by using the skills acquired during the programme.

All our Degree and Masters programmes at ICHAS are accredited by Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) and range from Level 7 to Level 9 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).

We also offer a range of Certificate, Degree and other Masters Programmes here at ICHAS from Certificate in Counselling & Psychotherapeutic Skills & Practice, B.A s in Counselling and Psychotherapy, Youth Studies, Addiction Studies, Business Studies, Business with Business Psychology and M.A s in Counselling & Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Counselling and Pastoral Care, Clinical Supervision in Professional Practice and Childhood and Adolescent Studies.

For further information on our Certificate, Degrees and Masters programmes please visit or contact us on 061 216288 or email [email protected]



Anne Sexton

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