Course Description

Exercise class suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Students should bring their own mat.

This quiet, meditative class involves gentle stretching and is suitable for most people. (This class is not recommended for pregnant women.) The type of yoga taught is Hatha yoga. With this type of yoga, you move your body slowly and deliberately into different poses that challenge your strength and flexibility, while at the same time focusing on relaxation and mindfulness.

Hatha yoga places special emphasis on controlled breathing and posture. Building core strength, which is key to good posture, is another important aspect of this type of yoga.

Hatha has hundreds of poses, including well-known ones such as Downward-Facing Dog and Standing Forward Bend. Poses are usually held for several breaths before you move onto the next.

The benefits of yoga include stress reduction, increased muscle and joint flexibility and improvements in core strength and balance. There will be two classes offered, one at 6.00 pm and another at 7.00pm.  Both classes are the same.

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Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland
Course Code YBA
College Name Crumlin College of Further Education (CDETB)
Course Category Wellbeing
Course Type Practical
Course Location Crumlin, Dublin, Ireland
Location Postcode Dublin 12
Delivery mode Classroom based
Course Start Date 25th September 2024
Course End Date 4th December 2024
Course Fee €120
Course Duration 10 weeks
Course Times Wednesday 6.00-7.30 pm Wednesday 7.30 -9.00 pm
Entry Requirements None
For information about Crumlin College of Further Education (CDETB), please visit our college page on by clicking here.

Course Provider


Crumlin College of Further Education (CDETB)
Crumlin Road
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Hatha Yoga
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